Advertise With Us

Partner With Us, Meet Your Goals, Grow Our Community
Do you have a home you need to list for sale or for rent? Do you have an Airbnb you want to draw more traffic to? Or do you have a job you need to hire for? You’ve come to the right place. GROW Iola is a solutions-driven site. Our goal is to meet your needs and the needs of families and individuals already in or moving to the Iola area. Let’s face it. Sometimes it can be hard to get the word out to the right people about your property, job or vacation rental. And it can sometimes be a big struggle for the average person to find a good home or job in their local area. GROW Iola brings those needs together and matches people with what they need. Because of how well it it matches people’s needs by creating a one-stop-shop for people looking for new opportunities, GROW Iola is one of the leading places that people visit to find local housing and jobs. Advertising with us is CHEAP because we’re dedicated to the growth of Iola, we try to keep your advertising costs as low as possible, while at the same time getting you as much exposure as possible. We invite you to give us a try. Check out our following advertising packages:
Advertise Your Rental $75 listing fee, with your contact email listed, $125. with no contact information listed. * New fee structure effective 8/1/2023
The rental will stay online up to 30 days or additional days as purchase. When you find the renter of your choice please let us know you want the listing removed from our website.
- Prospective renters may have access to an online rental application that they will fill out for us to forward on to you for the low price of $125 per listing. We answer the questions, be sure the information is filled out completely and pass the application on to you the property owner.
- Choose to handle all contact yourself by giving us your contact email and pay only $75 per listing.
- All photos and information must come from you, and we will develop a web page for your listing.
Advertise Your House for Sale*$200 listing fee for two-month run or add additional months $75 each.
- All photos and information must come from you, and we will develop a web page for your listing.
*Listings can be made by individual owners as well as realtors.
Advertise Your Job Opportunity $125 listing fee for one month each additional month $60. The Chamber works daily to drive job seekers our website. The website is a first look for most local job seekers.
- All information must come from you, and we will develop a web page for your listing.
Advertise Your Commercial Property $100 listing fee for 1 month advertising. Additional months $25 per listing. Please call our office 620.365.5252 and ask about 12 month pricing for ongoing ads.
All photos and information must come from you, and we will develop a web page for your listing.
If listing for rent, prospective renters will have access to an online rental application that they will fill out for us to forward on to you for $125 fee per listing. To handle the application process yourself simply give us an email address or phone number at the time of your listing purchase reducing your listing price to $75 per listing.
Advertise Your Vacation Rental $25 listing fee per month, $50 for a 3 months or $150 for 12 months.
- All photos and information must come from you, and we will develop a web page for your listing.
- Prospective renters will have access to an online rental application that they will fill out for us to forward on to you. If your vacation rental is an Airbnb, we will provide a link to your Airbnb listing so that people can contact you through that platform.
To get your listing started, contact us at: Email: [email protected]*Please use this email to list properties or employment opportunites.*